How to install the Footy Amigo App


Last Update 2 年前

Installing the official Footy Amigo app is the ONLY way to recieve alerts from Footy Amigo.

Once you create your account on Footy Amigo, you need to create your strategies and for you to be alerted when matches that meets your rules and stats are found, you must have the Footy Amigo App installed on your phone.

This process is simple and straightforward.

Iimportant: Before installing the app, YOU MUST have created an account on

The footy amigo app only allows users to login, you cannot register on the app! So, you are only able to login into the app with your login credentials from your account.

Here's a video on how to download and install the Footy Amigo app:

To download the Footy Amigo official app, please use the links below:

iOS AppStore Link:

GooglePlay Store:

Enjoy Amigo! 💚

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