How to make your strategy "Public"

To share strategies, you need to make them public.


Last Update 10 mesi fa

On Footy Amigo, your strategy can either be "Public" or "Private"

A public strategy means that other amigos can copy it or import it into their account either from the explore page or if you share it with them. 

A private strategy means that other amigos cannot copy or import your strategy to their account. (this also means you cannot share your strategy) 

To make your strategy public, follow these steps: 

1. Navigate to the strategy and click the dropdown button

2. Click the EDIT button (this will take you into the strategy settings) 

3. Navigate to the last step of the strategy creation process. 

And you will be able to make your strategy ""Public". 

Once the above is done, make sure you SAVE your strategy and your strategy will now be public. 

Now, you will be able to share your strategy with your amigos. 


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